In January 2007
I finally got
around to doing the dive that was one of the main reasons I learned to
dive - On the HMAS Brisbane, sunk as an artificial reef off Mooloolabah
in south Queensland.
I managed to find a disposable waterproof camera that was rated to 15
metres, and since I'm only rated to 18 metres I thought it'd be fine.
Most of the deck is at 18 metres so that was as far as I was going to
go. However, the divemaster dude asked the group before we went if we
minded going a little deeper. We all said yes, so about 15 minutes
later, there we were at 27 metres, on the bottom of the ocean. That's
the photo on the left, looking up at the stern of the ship, and there's
not a lot of light left so the photo is pretty poor unfortunately. The water was also very murky and that
didn't help. All
things considered though, I was pretty darn happy that the camera still
worked down that deep.
On the right, you can see that I finally got a half-reasonable photo of
myself as well. That was at about 16 metres, sitting on the
I handed the camera to one of the others in the group and they managed
to make it all work.
The wreck is heavily encrusted with marine life, and it looks like it's
been down there for decades. But of a lot of it is still recognisable
and there's a lot to explore.
worth it!